Peaceful Kingdom’s Approach with Reiki
Observation and approach are key when working with animals and Reiki. Animals appreciate being given control of the treatment: in other words, being allowed to say “yes” or “no” to the treatment as well as determining the way the treatment will unfold. Over the past twenty plus years, and with the help of many species of animal teachers with a myriad of backgrounds, health issues and sensitivities, we have created our new way of Reiki with animals. Here are just a few basics to guide you to Peacefull Kingdom’s Reiki success:
Intent: Always begin by asking permission of the animal directly OR by setting an open intention
Touch: Always allow the animal to be the one to initiate physical contact (including where you should touch, if at all).
Movement: Allow the animal to move freely in and out of the treatment space.
Focus: Animals appreciate a passive and open state of mind from you. Do not “beam” or “send” energy to the animal or to a specific health issue. Relax your mind and focus on your meditative practice.
5.Body Language and Behavior: My mentors, Dr Jim and Linda McCall Cover many of the most common problem behaviors with horses in their book: “Horses Behaving Badly” the McCall's approach is to first understand the reasons behind the behavior and develop the solution from there. The result aside from correcting whatever is at issue is to create a stronger bond between human and equine. Another added benefit is that these basic principles can be used to change the behavior of dogs, kids and significant others. The principles of behavior modification are universal in his book: “Influencing Horse Behavior: A Natural Approach to Training” book is an easy and entertaining look at how to use these techniques to train horses.
In this same vein, your body language should match this passive intention: in other words, don’t initiate and hold eye contact, don’t make yourself “big” and dominant in your body position. For example, try to stay on the same physical level with the animal and remain in a non-threatening pose -ideally, don’t stand up over a small animal on ground level or have your hands up and palms facing out like a predator about to pounce.
6.Release Expectations: Let go of your expectations about how an animal should behave during the treatment (they usually do not behave like humans, lying down motionless for 60 minutes). The typical treatment consists of an ebb and flow of hands-on/short distance Reiki as well as short periods of movement and relaxation. Also, let go of your expectations about what healing result the animal should manifest.
7.Gratitude: After you finish the treatment, always thank the animal for participation in the treatment (however it unfolded was perfect).